Office of the Westerfilde-Bodelschwingh Neighborhood Management, Westerfilder Str. 23
CATCH4D supports the “Green connects” project in Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh
One implementation measure as part of CATCH4D is the use of 3D shadow simulation to support local stakeholders in decision-making and participation processes. The aim of the “Green connects” project, which is being carried out by the district management for Westerfilde and Bodelschwingh on behalf of the Office for Urban Renewal, is the planting of 100 trees in the previously sparsely greened streets of eastern Mosselde. These newly planted trees could provide important shade and cooling, particularly in view of the increasing number of hot spells. The plan is to plant 50 trees in public spaces. A further 50 trees are to be made available to property owners. The 3D shadow map developed by CATCH4D will be used to better visualize the planting of the street. On the one hand, the model can be used to illustrate the need for tree planting, as currently only the buildings provide shade. On the other hand, it is possible to visualize the shadows cast by the planned tree planting in real time. Residents and property owners can therefore use the model to visualize in real time what the design of their street could look like in the future once trees have been planted.